The local public schools celebrated "Growing Healthy Schools" week last week, where kids learned about school gardens, chefs came in and did demonstrations and local foods were highlighted in the cafeterias. In conjunction with the schools, and in a preview of Summer Reading 2013, our story time this week was all about things that grow.
Song: Good Morning Dear Earth
Finger Play: I Had a Little Turtle
Flannel: Alphabet Soup- GROW
Finger Play: 10 Little Fingers
Book: Growing Vegetable Soup
by Lois Elhert
Flannel: The Pizza Sally Made (Changed to The Pizza We Made at Story Time)
Song: Shake My Sillies Out
Song: I'm a Little Teapot
Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Song: Turn Around
Make and Take Craft: Painting with Vegetables.
We touched on this idea briefly back when we made apple prints, but today there was a whole host of vegetables for us to make art with.
-vegetables, various, washed and cut
(I used okra, broccoli, apple, onion, celery, and bell pepper)
Process: Before story time, I rinsed and cut my vegetables and laid them out on the craft table with paint. After story time we handed out pieces of paper and went crazy with the different types of prints you can get from different vegetables. Okra makes stars, broccoli looks like fireworks and the leafy tops of celery kind of work like a regular paint brush)
Time: Prep took 20 minutes and the craft took 30-40. A lot of the kids abandoned the vegetable after a while and went straight to finger painting, while the caregivers and I filled sheets with awesome vegetable paintings.
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