Song: Good Morning Dear Earth
Finger Play: I Had a Little Turtle
Song: Open, Shut Them
Book: The Magic Hat
Flannel: 5 Little Ducks
Song: Grand Old Duke of York
Song: Shake My Sillies Out from The Singable Songs Collection (20th Anniversary Special Edition)
Book: I Want My Hat Back
Song: If You're Happy and You Know It
Flannel: Who's Hat is That?
Song: Turn Around from Getting to know Myself
Make and Take Crafts: Visor Hats
We had a bunch of foam visors in a file cabinet I labeled "Foam Junk," if you don't have an excess supply of foam junk, check out the pirate hats we made a few months ago.
-foam visors
-glitter glue
-pipe cleaners
Process: After story time we all gathered around the craft table and I handed out visors, glitter glue and pipe cleaners. The pipe cleaners are very easy to stick through the foam visors, so you could make extra hair or springy coils coming out of the top. Most kids just used the visors and a canvas for experimenting with glitter glue.
Time: Prep took 2 minutes (most of which was spent finding the visors) and the craft took about 20.
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