Monday, April 8, 2013

25 Days of Art: Paper Weaving

Almost everyone has done paper weaving at some point in their life, it's a favorite among elementary art school teachers. It's super easy and usually looks pretty cheesy. But when you start playing around with the basic form, it can turn into something pretty cool. 

-paper cutter (prep)
-construction paper

Prep: Using the paper cutter, cut strips of differing thickness and length out of some of the construction paper and the magazine pages. Fold other construction paper in half and cut swirly and zig-zag lines from the middle to about 1/2 inch from the edge. You can cut shapes out of the construction paper before folding and cutting, just make sure that the edges are in tact all the way around.

Process: Weaving is pretty basic. Using strips on paper slide it through the construction paper templates, alternating the strip forward and backward until the end of the row. Using the next strip, slide it in right next to the first one, again alternating forward and backward. Make sure that this strip is in front and behind the opposite columns from the first strip.

Miss Lucy's Example:

Kid Art:

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